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Brainwave Entrainment and Binaural Beats

Writer's picture: April  LouiseApril Louise

The effect of rhythms to entrain the brain into Delta (sleep), Theta (creativity and being in “the zone”), Alpha (presence and learning), Beta (thinking and overcoming ADD/ADHD), Gamma (blissing out).

Binaural beats are created when two tones are detuned from each other by a small amount. When you have two speakers playing the two different frequencies simultaneously, the two sounds cancel each other out as they physically meet in space. For example, if you have 100 hertz and 102 hertz you will hear the difference tone of 2 hertz. And, because this is in the frequency range of Delta, it will entrain our brain into that brainwave state, normally within one minute. The science on this is well proven. If you hook up an EEG unit to your brain (which picks up brainwave frequencies), you will see the brain synchronize to the rhythm. This has opened up an entire field of brainwave entrainment CD’s (just do a search on the web for “binaural beats”). The Monroe Institute calls it Hemi sync. Centerpointe calls it Holo sync. You will find 100’s of songs with binaural beats on YouTube. There are many issues that brainwave entrainment can help with based on the type of brainwave it creates:

1. Epsilon | < .5 cycles per second | Deep Delta also shows up in a high state of meditation. Lower frequencies of .1 cycles per second happen when in a state of love.

2. Delta | .5 – 3.5 cycles per second | This is the frequency that your brain vibrates at when you are in deep sleep. Deep sleep is a very powerful state — it is when we are directly connected to Source being regenerated. Therefore, these frequencies can be used to help you to get to sleep and to sleep throughout the night. They can also be used to give you needed rest without having to go into complete sleep. Delta is also associated with deep meditative states so it can also be used to entrain you into a state of deep peace.

3. Theta | 3.5 – 7 cycles per second | This is the frequency your brain goes into when dreaming. This could also be daydreaming. It is actually a very creative state where people often receive downloads or other creative inspiration. Therefore, it can be used before doing any type of creative brainstorming or artistic endeavors. Theta is also a state that you go into when listening to the Shaman’s drumming in Journey Work.

4. Alpha | 7-13 cycles per second | Alpha is relaxed attention. It is the ideal state for learning and sports. It is also a very creative state, particularly when problem solving intuitively versus mentally. It is very powerful state that can be extremely helpful for better concentration. It can also help with memory loss.

5. Beta | 13-20 cycles per second | Beta is our normal day to day waking consciousness, especially when doing mental processing such as studying, thinking about your schedule, figuring out anything, or reading this text. The main type of ADD is where the brain doesn’t go fast enough to access Beta. Therefore, they commonly prescribe speed. However, you can simply listen to binaural beats and entrain the brain into Beta to overcome ADD with no side effects.

6. Gamma | > 20 cycles per second | Gamma shows up when in a high state of meditation and is associated with a state of bliss. As mentioned, binaural beats are way more effective when they are tuned to the rhythm that a person’s brain would naturally be at when in a particular brainwave state. We provide the assessment to find your brain’s rhythm here:

Left/Right Brain Synchronization Whenever, we listen to any rhythm, whether is any drum beat or rhythm in music, the breath of a purring cat, a washing machine, or the slow oscillation of a crystal bowl — we can be entrained into a specific brainwave state associated with that rhythm. However, when you wear headphones, you get a second benefit. When you listen to one sound in the left ear it goes to the right brain. The sound in the right ear goes to the left brain. The brain then connects the two frequencies across the Corpus Callosum — the part of the brain that normally functions to connect the two sides of the brain. When the left and right brain are synchronized this is our optimal state. Most people are rarely in a state of left/right brain synchronization, so it is quite incredible to be able to access this state almost immediately simply by listening to binaural beats on headphones. Tingshas are an ancient way of synchronizing the brain as they can be held so one frequency is in the left ear and the other is in the right ear. The Schumann Resonance There is a really auspicious frequency that occurs in our atmosphere. It is an electromagnetic frequency that resonates between the earth and the ionosphere, and it is triggered by lightning. And lightning strikes somewhere in the atmosphere just about every second. The frequency is 7.83 hertz and is on the threshold of Alpha and Theta.

This frequency entrains every brain on the planet into Alpha/Theta. And, because it has been doing this for millions of years, we have become addicted to it — rather, it is part of the frequency spectrum of who we are as beings on this planet. In one way, it is our connection to the Earth (or, at least, our atmosphere). The only problem is this electromagnetic frequency is obscured by the electromagnetism in a city (Many people say that can actually hear it out in the countryside). NASA has found that we can actually get sick if we are missing this frequency. Therefore, astronauts now get the frequency electromagnetically while in space. In fact, one our instructors actually have a watch that pulses at the 7.83 hertz.

Brain Map Entrainment

As mentioned above, entraining the brain into an entire brain map of a specific state of consciousness has such an incredible potential. When you are in a state of gratitude, love or joy — there is not anxiety or depression. We are on the threshold of completely overcoming most mental/emotional issues.

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